Is it good to be a psychopath?
People often treat psychopathy like it’s some type of super power. As if it makes for a superior human being because of the lack of fear and the inability to manipulate them through emotional appeals.
Sure, they have an edge when it comes to escalating things as nothing scares them so they naturally are able to keep cranking up the stakes until you can’t escalate anymore. That is an advantage.
Taking things to the extreme is what they are good at, while ensuring that they are in a power position over whomever they are dealing with. If they can’t be in a power position then they’ll never get involved. This is why it’s so hard to beat a psychopath.
If you’re in a winner takes all situation you can bet that they feel like they have some edge on you so you need to think really hard about what is going on in order to see why they feel that way, or else you’ll find yourself screwed in the end.
The psychopath is the expert in in uncomfortable futures. They will purposefully take you to the brink of destruction but not actually push you to the point of total annihilation where you finally flinch and back away, just so that way they can keep you in their life like a trophy. They love their trophies and there is nothing sweeter than breaking a man/woman and then keeping him/her in a position where the psychopath continues to dominate the person.
It’s like at work. If you challenge a psychopath then they’ll ramp up the tension to the point where it’s clear you’re about to be fired and somehow or another as a life line they’ll arrange for you to work for them now. Why? So you get to sit outside their office and call them sir for the rest of your career. Perfect trophy, a broken man/woman that calls you sir and jumps when you say jump.
Psychopath’s are notoriously selfish. They are just as bad as narcissists only their lack of fear makes them capable of binding you into positions and situations you never imagined existed and their lack of ability to empathize with another person combined with their selfishness and a propensity towards sadistic pleasure means they are capable of putting the screws to you in such a way that your begging and screaming means nothing to them as you find yourself in some type of perpetual misery.
That is why people think of them as superior. It’s their lack of fear and their predatory mindset of always making sure that they have the edge over everyone where the average person is more of the mindset of collaboratively working together. The psychopath sees you as a tool to get what they want not as a group that collectively works together for mutual benefit. If you receive any benefit out of your interaction is of little consequence to the psychopath.
It’s when you look at the collective good or the good of society overall that you see that there is nothing superior about them as a whole because they tend to be unable to sacrifice their wants for others needs. So in survival situations they’ll make sure they are covered and watch you suffer without any regard. They’ll cut your throat from doing the math with regards to resources before you have even considered things to be dire.
In terms of humanity as a whole, they are out for themselves and will not hesitate to abandon you in a certain death situation. They are not capable of looking outside of their own paradigm so they will see suffering and will not identify with it . If anything they’ll write it off as pathetic weakness because they had been through worse in their life.
They see your emotions as a pathetic attempt to manipulate and they simply do not care how broken you have become — you should have been tougher.
They simply do not care about your needs or your pain — you will get no sympathy unless it is going to benefit them in some way in the future.
They are predatory survivalists who neither need people, nor even want them — you serve a function or you go away. Don’t try to take their money or power with you or you’ll end up in a real bad way.
Money, power and control are all that matters to the psychopath. This is their religion and they’ll protect it in the same way that a religious fundamentalist will defend their God and the blind faith in which they serve that God is proof they are going to heaven. In that same vain, the psychopath worships money, power, and control.
So make of that what you will. Is it good to be a psychopath? They think so.