Decoding The Aftermath

One of the hardest things to get past with one of these narcissistic relationships is understanding how this person that you thought you knew suddenly became so cold, callous, and uncaring.
They were somebody who seemed to be fully engaged in the relationship days before, was now devoid of compassion, and was outwardly showing that they couldn’t care less about you. In fact, the last time you went out together, it seemed as though there weren’t any issues to you at all because you both seemed so happy.
Often your first real look at reality comes when you reach out to your friends to seek out some validation and sympathy only to be greeted with being stonewalled, ghosted, or flat out spoken to with disdain. You now have a double whammy to deal with as it seems all of your friends suddenly turned against you exactly like your significant other.
After you get diregarded a few times you might even get desperate and beg for one of them to tell you what is going on because literally no one will tell you a damn thing and you are clueless as to why everyone has suddenly won’t speak to you.
You may have spent hours sifting through memories ruminating on every single detail trying to figure out what you could have done that would literally cause everyone you care about to abandon you. The absolute worst part is they won’t tell you why.
Well, maybe one of them will be brave enough to say something to you and you’ll get your first glimpse of the truth. ‘Well, what did you expect after you’ve been so hard on him/her for the last year.’ your friend says to you very sharply before they hang up the phone.
Shocked, you process the new information and it slowly dawns on you that your ex had told your friends that you have been mistreating him/her for a year. Then the enormiity of the deception begins to sink in. Your ex has been bad mouthing you to all these people for a year and they’ve politely pretended to be your friend while silently judging you as an abusive jerk.
Then the ruminations really begin. You start sifting through all of the memories, going all the way back to the beginning, looking for that missing link, the catalyst of things going south.
If you’re lucky you’ll realize that over the time you’d known your ex they had weeded out any of your firends that were loyal to you and your friends pool was realy his/her friends and you were the plus one.
If you’re unlucky and you don’t make the connection then you may ask yourself over and over what could it be finally landing on ‘well, maybe it was me.’
If you are that person that asked yourself if it was you then I hope this message really resonates with you and that you hear me crystal clear — it’s the nature of the abuse to leave you with the blame.
The way they gaslight, retell a twisted version of events and preplan their exit way in advance to make sure that they are the victim and you are the horrible person, it is all by design to leave you in the end thinking you were the problem.
Anyone that can desert you on a whim and has been preparing your friends and family for you to be the villain by bashing you months before you split up is insidicous and disgusting. You certainly were not the problem.