Acceptance: It is what it is Photo by Daniel UvegÃ¥rd on Unsplash Betrayal. Betrayal is hard to accept. It’s hard to get past when you know what you’ve been through and you can’t articulate it in a way that really provides the weight of the gravity and a sense of the urgency that the situation truly should call for. You find out that no one cares what happened to you. No one cares how wrong it was, or how illegal it was. They just want you to shut up so they don’t have to hear about it. So you found yourself discriminated against, you were shunned, you were isolated, and were systematically picked apart by the very people that you should have been able to trust. Then, after it all if you try to explain it to anyone you’re further isolated by their invalidation and inability to understand the true magnitude of what you’d been through. It amounts to a total betrayal by everyone you knew and the idea of having to let it go and let those people get away with it is a ...
Dark Psychology There are many different psychological mechanisms that are present in society on a daily basis. These mechanism utilize a person's fears and their ability to interpret messages that their aggressor wishes for them to have. Everywhere from the office to the club, to your very own home, you are subjected to various forms of manipulation from people. Manipulation has a bad rap. People believe that manipulation is a bad thing because of how it makes them feel when they find out that they have been manipulated. People get upset because it makes them feel like a lesser person, like they have been victimized in some way, and often like they are not intelligent. Manipulation can be used for good purposes however. In the case of a newborn baby the very first thing it learns how to do in order to survive is to cry. By crying they trigger their mother to come an...